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Thursday, 8 May 2008

AMIBIOS Beep Codes - POST AMIBIOS Beep Code Fixes

AMIBIOS Beep Codes Explained
AMIBIOS is American Megatrend's branded BIOS software. American Megatrends, sometimes referred to as AMI, is one of the top BIOS software makers in the world. Many motherboard manufacturers have integrated AMIBIOS into their motherboards and, when trouble starts, will sound the AMIBIOS beep codes.
Some motherboards have custom BIOS software based on AMIBIOS so, depending on the motherboard, the beep codes from the custom BIOS may be exactly the same as the AMIBIOS beep codes or they may vary slightly. Most motherboard manufacturers will list the specific beep codes in their product manuals so reference yours when in doubt.
Note: AMIBIOS beep codes are short, sound in quick succession and usually sound almost immediately after powering on the PC.
Below are the technical causes of each AMIBIOS beep code followed by a short series of steps to resolve the cause of the issue.
1 Beep - Memory refresh timer error
Reseat the memory.
Replace the system memory with new or known-good memory modules.
2 Beeps - Parity error in base memory (first 64KB block)
Reseat the memory.
Replace the system memory with new or known-good memory modules.
3 Beeps - Base memory read/write test error
Reseat the memory.
Replace the system memory with new or known-good memory modules.
4 Beeps - Motherboard timer not operational
Remove all expansion cards, except the video card, to eliminate the possibility that one of the cards is causing the system to malfunction.
Insert the expansion cards back into the system one by one, powering on after each insert, until the beep codes begin again.
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Fix Bios Beep Error CodesFix: Bios Beep Error Codes Instant Free Scan - Try it Nowwww.My-PC-Fix.comThis will determine which card is malfunctioning.
Replace the card that is causing the malfunction.
If beep codes sound when all of the expansion cards are removed, contact the motherboard manufacturer for further support or replace the motherboard.
5 Beeps - Processor error
Remove all expansion cards, except the video card, to eliminate the possibility that one of the cards is causing the system to malfunction.
Insert the expansion cards back into the system one by one, powering on after each insert, until the beep codes begin again. This will determine which card is malfunctioning.
Replace the card that is causing the malfunction.
If beep codes sound when all of the expansion cards are removed, the CPU may be damaged and may need to be replaced.
If beep codes sound when all of the expansion cards are removed and after the CPU has been replaced, contact the motherboard manufacturer for further support or replace the motherboard.
AMIBIOS Beep Codes 6 through 11
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